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Coaching, Services and Support


Angel Card & Angel Tarot Readings
By Phone or Messenger

Would you love guidance from your Angels? As an Angel Therapy Practitioner, I use Angel Oracle Cards and Angel Tarot, to offer you guidance for your highest and best good.

PRICE: $150


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SoulCodes (AstroNumerology Natal Energies)
By Phone, Messenger or Zoom

Tap into your SoulCode... understand your Soul's energetic imprint!  Using the Star Codes from your astrological birth chart together with the Angel Codes of your birth

 Beloved will help you gain greater understanding and alignment with your personal energetic signature!

PRICE: $200



Soul Activations Using Crystal Sound
By Phone, Messenger or Zoom

These Powerful sessions activate your soul through High-Vibrational Sound... In these sessions, Gemstone Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls, Angel Messages, Light Language & Transmissions from the Heart of the Divine Mother come together in High Resonance Crystal Alchemy to Activate Your Soul!

Price: $200

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Abundance & Prosperity Coaching
By Phone, Messenger or Zoom

Wouldn't you love to create a  more prosperous and abundant life?   I  offer one-on-one coaching using simple tools and techniques from my book, 30 Days to Prosperity and Abundance; An Angelic Guide to Joyful Living.

 Multi-Session Coaching Sessions designed specifically for you. Contact me for your FREE 30 Minute Dream Session.


Chakra Clearing & Balancing
By Phone, Messenger or Zoom

These gentle yet powerful sessions using Sound, Imagery and Angelic Connection are amazing for clearing and balancing your energies?  Archangel Raphael & Archangel Michael join us in these sessions!

PRICE: $150 / $110 Covid Special


Past Life Regressions
Virtual Sessions

Would you love to explore your past lives? some clients come because they're curious... some come for answers to life-long questions! ! facilitated my first regression in 1974 and I was blessed to receive my training from Brian Weiss, MD in 2004.  

PRICE: $200


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Messages through Art

Imagine having a piece of intuitive art that holds your personal message and was created just for you! As an Intuitive Artist, I offer a variety of personalized readings and messages through art including Vibrational Blessing Portraits, Soul Portraits, and Soul Mandalas

PRICE: $175 


Intuitive Art  from the Angelic Realm


Pieces with Attunements for the Collective Consciousness


Each of my SoulArt pieces is birthed intuitively from the Angelic Realm and is an energetic tool to attune to vibrations found within the collective consciousness; each canvas and the message that comes through it is received at the soul level by those who need that particular attunement.  Dear One, take a look. Which ones call you? Pay attention to the message...It's meant for YOU! 

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We are the completion of all Sacred Union... we are passion.. we are love... we are God and Goddess expressing. We are no longer separate. Knowing one another intimately, spiritually, physically, emotionally there is no separation. We breathe one another. We are one... as the ocean is created from innumerable droplets and yet the droplets cannot be separated from the sea. So can we not be separated one from the other. WE ARE ONE. 

Imagine having a piece of art that has been personally created to capture the Essence of Your Soul...

Soul Portraits (Commissioned Work)

Dear One, my Soul Portraits are energetic tools for you to connect to your pure soul essence and for couples to attune to the energies and soul essence of their union. Each canvas is a combination of photograph and paint.

I create these unique portraits by connecting with the Angelic Realm, Ascended Masters and your Guides and Teachers to ask for Divine Guidance. As I work each canvas "develops" much like a photograph develops in the darkroom. Each layer is infused with your Soul Essence. When your Soul Portrait is complete, I am given your Soul Message. Created through Divine Guidance, your Soul Portrait and Soul Message becomes a powerful tool to attune you to your Soul Essence. Each Soul Portrait comes accompanied by the personal Soul Message I receive for you.

Here is one of my Soul Portraits (Painting & Accompanying Message)

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Beloved Earth Mother we send you blessings of eternity for you are the embodiment of Goddess in her Mother form. Behold the grace and beauty which flows through you. You are the symbol of Eternal Goddess re-creating life. It is who you are, Beloved Soul. You hold that creative energy birthing whatever your heart desires.


As you move through life give time to your creative forces …to your inspiration. Let your inspiration birth into the world….not just through souls that you bring in…but through dance…through art…through preparing of foods…through anything that catches your fancy. For birthing means many things.


Be patient with yourself. You will continue to ripen as you gain experience in the world. You are a model for many women. You will see your life shift and change…your little ones will grow and leave the nest that you create for them. This is as it should be.


As you gaze at your image see not only mother but woman. Always remember you are woman…Goddess. Honor yourself as the Goddess you are. Bring your Earth Goddess to your mate.


Breathe…you are Earth. Breathe it in. Through your life, refresh yourself in nature…bathe yourself in the beautiful, nourishing Gaia energies. You are light…You are Joy…You are holy.


Delightful HeartArt© Mini-Series


Each H e a r t   B o x  is a magical treasure chest of the Heart sprinkled with Faerie Star Dust…Small boxes to place your dreams, joy, love for safe keeping. Each box has been blessed by Angels and sprinkled with magical Faerie Star Dust. Open the box and speak your DREAMS…express your JOY…speak your LOVE...Count your BLESSINGS! Whenever you need a bit of Joy or Love…or when the world has become so cluttered your dreams seem far away, just take a moment…open your HeartBox, come into your own HEART and take a deep breath as you re-ignite your joy…your Love…your Dreams.

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Each AltarArt is a unique one-of-a-kind canvas created with blessings from the Angelic  Realm. My AltarArt Mandalas hold energetic vibrations for a particular purpose  ("Abundance", "Unifying Heaven and Earth",  "Release", "Rebirth and Renewal", "Divine Union Male Female",  "Becoming Present In Your Body") 

 All AltarArt comes with its own easel making it a perfect addition to any altar. Works great on a tabletop or window sill, too. Wherever these AltarArt pieces sit, they offer their Blessings from the Angels!

The smaller pieces are approx. 2 x 2 are $11 US  plus s/h 

The larger canvases, approx. 3.5" x 3.5" are $15 US plus s/h

Store Pricing / Booking Info

Pricing & Booking Information



Please Contact Me to Book Your Session. 


407-718-1087 US Mobile

**International inquiries please use E-mail or Messenger.



Please call regarding availability and pricing.

407-718-1087 US MOBILE

**International inquiries please e-mail or Messenger for availability and pricing.  

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