Just A Bit About Me
OMGoddess Darling Hearts,
My journey this lifetime has been absolutely delicious. I've been blessed beyond measure and my Joy and my Passion is Activating "Sleeping" Souls.
Together with my primary guide and teacher Archangel Ariel, I love sharing what I've experienced... to partner with YOU... assisting YOU to live the most abundant life you can imagine! After all, Dear One, that's why you chose this life in your beautiful Earth Body... so you can
experience all the things you can only experience when you are Spirit manifesting itself into Matter!
I've worn so many hats and been called by so many titles names throughout my Earth Journey. Beloved KateBeloved, Ad Sach Kaur... a Visionary, Crystal Sound Weaver, Speaker for Unseen Realms, Intuitive Soul Artist, Spirit Dancer, The Angel Code Oracle™, Angel Numerologist, Astro Angel Numerolgist™... but truth be known... it's all the same. And my passion is to partner with you to create the most deliciously abundant life you can imagine!
A Few Things I Do
Everything I offer you is partnered with my primary guide, Archangel Ariel, the Angel of Prosperity, Abundance, Nature, Intuition and a bit of Magic!.
Coaching, Soul Codes, Angel Card Oracle & Tarot Readings, Ceremony, Channeling, Light Language, Sound, Art, and our Books..
And all of our offerings are done with the purpose of helping you create a delicious life of abundance and prosperity by bringing you into alignment with YOUR Soul, YOUR Heart, the Angels, Benevolent Beings from other Realms and the Cosmic Energies through New and Full Moon and AstroNumerology.
Archangel Ariel brought me our latest teachings, Angel Codes™, in the Summer of 2019.
These Codes are a new high-frequency numerology using a system of the Sacred 13. We use the energetic signatures of 0 through 12. Each Angel Code is actually a gateway to another realm or dimension. With each Angel Code comes an Angel Message and an Angel Code Activation using Mantra and Mudra.
Channeled Message from Archangel Ariel - July 26, 2019
Child, we are inviting you, through these Angel Code Teachings, to expand your understanding... to bring in the Cosmic Divine Oneness... to assist others in the unification of Spirit Into Matter.
Living as Soul Beings is the only way to PEACE... Living in the knowing that all ARE ONE is the only way to protect your planet. Earth is a planet of free will where Soul Beings come to experience life in physical form. To enjoy Paradise... clean... pure. To create relationships, families, communities, ideas, inventions, to enjoy great abundance, vibrant health, happiness, joy and wealth, all through the vibration of LOVE and the knowing that ALL ARE ONE.
Earth was a paradise... a planet of plenty. But some forgot... they put their way forward as the only way. Their God, their holy books, their skin color, their wants, their desires.
This is where your planet is now. In the hands of those who have forgotten.
It is time for remembering. It is time to return to the ancient spiritual understanding and to live only through the Infinite SoulHeart. LOVE...HONOUR...RESPECT...COMPASSION are actions of the SoulHeart.
Child, we want Humanity to awaken... It is beyond time to return to these understandings. No, Child, not just understanding but LIVING these truths. ALL ARE ONE...ALL ARE DIVINE.
2020 is a turning point. As it is said on your planet, "A watershed year." In these new ANGEL CODE ORACLE teachings, the year 2020 is the GATEWAY TO THE INFINITE HEART. It is time Child.
We Are Complete.
End Transmission

A Bit More
As a Sound Alchemist & Bowl Master, I host the AngelSong Divine Crystal Sound Temple and travel facilitating Awakening The Cosmic Heart Concerts, Meditations and Retreats featuring the powerful essence and sound technology of my Gemstone Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls. Toning/Vocal Harmonics, Native Flute, and Xylophones. Serving as an Angelic Messenger and Messenger for Unseen Realms, I'm honoured to give transmission from the Heart of The Divine Mother and the Angelic Realm as I facilitate all my Awakening The Cosmic Heart events! www.SoundsOfAwakening.com
Together with The Master Teachers of The Waters, unseen realms and Heume, we have co-created The Beloved Waters Project, a high-frequency vibrational sound for strengthening the planet's Sacred Water Grid. We are so blessed to have Emissaries of the Sacred Water Grid on four continents doing this work and each year we facilitate a World Water Blessing Ceremony on May 5 at noon across the planet! www.BelovedWaters.com
For your personal journey, I offer Angel Messages and Readings through Art, Chakra Balancing, Energy Clearing, Angel Card and Tarot, Soul Coaching and Soul Activations through Crystal Sound and Re-Connecting to Your Master Heart Blueprint. Market

Partnering with Archangel Ariel, we have brought forth a series of books. I have never considered myself an author, though I was a pretty good copywriter back in the day writing national ad campaigns! But books??????
One day Ariel came in and said, “We’d like you to write a book.”
To which I replied, “Write a book??? Are you crazy? What do you want? A book soundbites?”

So that is exactly what we did! We created our very first book, ARIEL’S JOURNEY, a small book about my experience with Ariel.
I like to call it a playbook! We began teaching this process around 2006. Our students who do the process experience amazing transformation. We’re teaching this again in the spring and you can join our wait list!
In 2019, Ariel brought forth new teachings – The Angel Code Alchemy Manifesting Teachings – and our third book, THE ANGEL CODE ORACLE 2020; A 12-MONTH ANGEL JOURNEY TO ACTIVATE YOUR INFINITE HEART came forth.
Following the trend, the very next year we published THE ANGEL CODE ORACLE 2021; 12-MONTH ANGEL MOON MANIFESTING JOURNEY, JOURNAL AND PLANNER.
Lo and behold, partnering with Archangel Ariel, we have brought forth a series of books – AN ANGELIC GUIDE TO JOYFUL LIVING SERIES. I like to say inspired by Ariel, transcribed by Beloved (or Kate, as I was called before the Angels changed my name... but that’s a story for another time!
Teachers & Trainings
As I said, along the way I have been so blessed and some of those blessings come in the form of training, teachers and certifications. Here are just a few you might be interested in.
Angel Therapy Practitioner® and Advanced Card Reader certified by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine
Angel Numerologist certified by Radleigh Valentine
Sacred Contract Counselor certified by Caroline Myss.
Infinite Possibilities Trainer certified by Mike Dooley
Private practice as a Clinical Hypnotherapist specializing in Past Life Regression (trained by Brian Weiss).
Hypnosis work published in Encyclopedia of Complementary Health Practices
Kundalini Yogini/Instructor
Healing Tao USA Primordial Qigong teacher.
Crystal Tones Endorsed Bowl Master
Steward-ess of AngelSong Sound Temple
Some of my additional modalities you might find interesting
Healer of the 7th Ray
Usui Reiki Master
Matrix Energetics