Beloved's Moon Ceremonies are powerful tools for
Moon Manifesting!
Subscribe Now and participate in TWO VIRTUAL Moon Ceremonies each month!
Can't make it! No worry. The replay will be available for 3 days!
Only $11 a month!
Calling all Goddesses, Mermaids, Cosmic Sisters, Lovely Ladies!
In this time of shifting changes following 2020, it is more important than ever to gather together, share sacred space, refresh at the well of Sisterhood, encourage one another to hold their Light and send blessings to all!
New Moon supports New Beginnings! Full Moon supports Completion, Surrender and Letting Go! I believe we are going to emerge from our cocoons in 2021! Time to create a powerful Moon Manifesting Practice!
New Moon
Full Moon
In our powerful
New Moon Ceremonies
you will:
• SURRENDER, RELEASE things that block your goals!
• ACTIVATE the Angel Code Gateway for the Full Moon (Numerology)
• EXPERIENCE a Gemstone Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl Guided Meditation
• CONNECT with the Archangel of the Full Moon
• PARTICIPATE in our Fire Ceremony of Surrender
• RECEIVE Group Messages from Archangel Ariel
In our powerful
New Moon Ceremonies
you will:
• SET YOUR INTENTIONS for the new cycle!
• ACTIVATE the Angel Code Gateway for the New Moon (Numerology)
• EXPERIENCE a Gemstone Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl Guided Meditation
• CONNECT with the Archangel of the New Moon
• PARTICIPATE in our Water Ceremony of Creation
• RECEIVE Group Messages from Archangel Ariel

Experience our
Moon Ceremonies
as a vital part of your
Moon Manifesting!
Just $11 per month!
*Your subscription will automatically renew each month. You may cancel at anytime.