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Magical June Manifesting! Here's the Code!

The Month of June 2021

Blessings Love,

Welcome June! I always love the beginning of a new month. Actually, Dear Heart, I always love the beginning of everything; new journals, whose blank pages call forth my story, a blank canvas whose siren song beckons my paint and freshly fallen snow awaiting my feet to bring forth the first footprints! Call me that cockeyed optimist but I always believe that in each beginning, in each moment, we have the ability to create something deliciously magical! Sweet One, in our Angel Moon Manifesting practice ANGEL CODE ALCHEMY we attune, align and integrate to the energetic currents of the moment!

Read on for the Overlighting Angel Code Currents for June 2021.

The Overlighting Angel Code for June 2021

The Overlighting Angel Code for April 2021 is ANGEL CODE 11 | GATEWAY TO THE GALAXIES

Activation: Angel Code 11 activates your expansion of consciousness to travel beyond time and space.

This Angel Code invites you to expand your consciousness, surrender limitations, and journey beyond time and space. Angels invite you to understand clocks as an agreement made by society to keep things running smoothly in the everyday. Angels invite you to play with time and space. Stay fully present in the moment... in that place of no time and no space… Stay in the knowing that there is no time nor space beyond the present

Archangel Ariel's Message for the Month

And so, Dear One, here we have the activation of the code 11 The Galactic Gateway. Dear One, you are a limitless being. Your natural state of being knows no boundaries… Knows no clocks… No shoulds…No color within the lines. There is limitless freedom as you allow yourself to experience your Galactic self!
Sing…Dance… Drum…Jump timelines! As was written in an earth song “We are Stardust” and so you are.

Angel Code Gateway Activation Mantra Affirmation for June 2021

I AM limitless. I am Stardust. When I am in the Now, I enjoy magical moments! I AM limitless

To activate the ANGEL CODE GATEWAY ACTIVATION MANTRA AFFIRMATION and open the GATEWAY TO THE GALAXIES follow these simple steps. You will need a mirror.

Look into the mirror and begin taking long, slow, deep breaths all the way down into your belly.

As you breathe, bring your awareness into your magnificent heart - your SoulHeart.

Take your time. Feel your beautiful SoulHeart expanding. Feel this shift. Do you feel warm? Or cool? Do you feel the vibration? See color?

Now bring your awareness back to your breath and take a long, slow, deep breath.

On your out breath, repeat or tone the Angel Activation Mantra out loud. I AM limitless. I am Stardust. When I am in the Now, I enjoy magical moments! I AM limitless. Repeat 3 times. For even deeper alignment, repeat in the evenings.


Attuning, Aligning and Integrating the Codes - Angel Codes, Moon Codes and Lady Luna's Astro Codes - is such a powerful piece to creating your most delicious abundant life1 I'd love to send the codes to you each week when you sign-up for my FREE Manifesting Your Dreams Weekly! Wishing you a month of Blissful Love, Vibrant Health, Delicious Joy, Deep Inner Peace and Material Wealth.

Abundant Angel Moon Alchemy Manifesting Blessings

KateBeloved (Beloved)

The Angel Code Oracle

P.S. Please Leave a comment. I'd love to know what your June Dreams are!


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