Our Free ZOOM
Mercury Retrograde Party
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm EDT (New York)
Find Your Local Time https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html
When you look at the calendar and see MERCURY RETROGRADE are you filled with dread???? Do you hear yourself saying, "OMG... NOOOOO!"
OMGoddess, as a double Gemini with FIVE Gems in my chart this used to be me!!! But now I absolutely adore Mercury Retrogrades!
Join us for this FREE event as we BUST MERCURY RETROGRADE MYTHS and learn my SECRETS to not only surviving... but THRIVING DURING MERCURY RETROGRADES!
This event takes place on ZOOM.
So put on your party face, bring a drink and snacks and come LEARN MY SECRETS TO THRIVING DURING MERCURY RETROGRADES as we BUST MERCURY RETROGRADE MYTHS!!!...
Register NOW!
This FREE event is my gift to you and takes place on ZOOM. You'll receive the link and all of the Zoom information when you register. You may attend on your computers or phone.
Blessings Loves
I look forward to partying with you!