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Leo Guided Journal

Blessings My Darlings



In my 30-plus years of teaching/coaching, I have always taught journaling as a very important step in manifesting the life of your dreams!

Each of the 12 seasons of the zodiac brings its own unique flavor. You will see, as you move through your CANCER SEASON GUIDED JOURNAL, you are invited to explore your magnificent self!


How Do I Use My Journal?

Dear Heart, how you use your journal is absolutely up to you. Many of my students enjoy creating a special place where they will not be disturbed. Others light a candle and take a few deep breaths before beginning. Some enjoy journaling while sipping their morning coffee. Still others journall before getting out of bed in the morning.

Sweet One, this is entirely up to you. Remember there is no right and no wrong way to do it!... No Journal police... Journaling is your time to explore your magnificent self! I like to think of it as a gift you are giving to yourself! I only ask that you take your time, focus and write authentically!

I'm so glad you are receiving your journal! Sending you much love and abundant angel moon alchemy manifesting blessings for a magical Taurus Season! Get ready... Here come your blessings... CATCH!!!


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