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Rabbit Rabbit Day!

March 1, 2021

Blessings Dear One.

RABBIT RABBIT DAY *•.¸¸.•*¨¨*•♪♫ As long as I can remember, the first words I speak when waking from slumber on the very first day of a brand new month have always been "RABBIT, RABBIT DAY". Now that I post Rabbit Rabbit Day on social, friends and followers have been asking me why I say this.

First, you know me, I'm a ritual girl. My life is richer with ritual and ceremony. I love turning mundane moments into something sacred. Making time for ritual, even a few minutes, is time to consciously connect with my SoulHeart. Spirit Into Matter!

Greeting a new month with Rabbit Rabbit Day is a ritual I enjoy. I don't even remember how or exactly when I began this new month ritual. I just know I like taking a moment and saying "Rabbit Rabbit Day".

It feels good. I'm acknowledging that something is beginning - as though I have a blank canvas, or blank journal just awaiting my yummy creation. Also, for me, "Rabbit, Rabbit Day" is an invocation. I've connected with all the benevolent beings and energies of the multi-verses and invoked a blessing for the month. For those who ask me, thats why I do it! And for those looking for a more official historical explanation I googled. Here is an official explanation!

Why say "Rabbit Rabbit Day" on the first day of the month? From Wikipedia "... variant of a common British superstition which states that a person should say or repeat the word "rabbit" or "rabbits", or "white rabbits", or a person should say "bunny bunny foot foot", or some combination of these elements, out loud upon waking (or first moment) on the first day of the month, because doing so will ensure good luck for the duration of that month."

Ok Darling Heart, now you know! If you've done it yet, I invite you to take a deep breath and say (aloud, of course!) RABBIT RABBIT DAY! Wishing you a merry month of Blissful Love, Vibrant Health, Delicious Joy, Deep Inner Peace and Material Wealth. Abundant angel moon blessings! KateBeloved (Beloved)

The Angel Code Oracle

P.S. Please Leave a comment. I'd love to know what your March Dreams are!


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